Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Gateway Floating Monument

This monument honors the discovery of the Gateway, the anomaly that transports travelers and their ships to a new galaxy, hundreds of light years from earth. Discovered by Magellan the XXVI on the outer edge of the Terran solar system, part of monument appears to float due to the wonky physics of the Gateway anomaly itself and is further enhanced by the mega magnetic metals used to construct the orbs. Thousands of pilgrims make their journey to this wonder of the galaxy before traveling through the Gateway to a new and unknown home.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Creature Crew

Originally published on 2/27/2017 for a Gnomon forum entry. I pictured a creature crew that would live on monster island (where Kong lives). These oversized insects (and large bat) are befriended by a marooned boy with telepathic abilities. These creatures are influenced to become his protectors.  Not what the judges were expecting for an organic armor challenge, I gather.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

President Vampire Painting Studies

Here are some isolated head portraits of ex-president Nosferatus for the Lincolnstein digital painting. I redid to get them right. From top, left to right: John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, and Franklin Pierce. I got the base how I wanted it and made some shadow and light corrections to get each of the heads to fit on their bodies in the painting a little better. In Photoshop CS with a 21" Cintiq.

(Originally posted on 2/20/17 on a now defunct blog)

Presidents' Day - Washington versus the undead

(Originally posted on 2/19/2017 on a defunct blog)

The Second Coming of the British Undead
November 19, 1787

In "The General Magazine and Historical Chronical", later combined with other entries into the Secret Supernatural History of the America, Benjamin Franklin wrote:

"...George Washington was the only one equipped, with the Axe of Delivery to fight the
British and Hessian undead brought back to life on the battlefield cemetery of Concord by the All Seeing Eye of the Egyptian God SET, an artifact designed by Anubis but made to create chaos in the world of the living. The undead rose in protest by the lords of olde to the basic principles of the United States government as described in the newly written United States Constitution."

Note: the meaning of the All Seeing Eye was subverted and later used on crests and most notably on the back of the one dollar bill to symbolize divine providence.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Prez 'Pocalypse

Lincolnstein battles ex-president nosferatus John Tyler, Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, and Millard Fillmore atop the ruins of the Washington Monument in 1892 overlooking the Capitol building and D.C.
(Originally posted in 1/23/2017. Moved to this blog from another that was shutdown. Submitted to Spectrum 2017 as original unpublished art.)

On inauguration day, a rift in the timeline erupted causing different anomalies in other eras. In the last century a reanimated Lincoln, or Lincolnstein, fights other ex-president (from top left, clockwise: John Tyler, Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore) nosferatus in a battle of ideologies. Who will win the day?

This is new art, based on older art, I created to get my digital art chops up. It's based on my President Monster post on fanboy thunderdome that Jared Shear and I co-authored. After not looking at the old post artwork for a few years, I knew I could do a better job and the new illustration continued to evolve until this point. -J.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Lincolnstein vs. Dracujackson

The earth upends itself as presidential monsters battle. Lincolnstein and Dracujackson battle while the capitol falls around them. Will the union be saved? (Painted in Photoshop v5.1 from initial pencil sketch).

Here's an update with some level adjustments and airbrushing to smooth out brush strokes on skin.